PT Schlumberger Profile

Corporate Profile

Knowledge, technical innovation and teamwork are at the center of who we are. For more than 80 years, we have focused on leveraging these assets to deliver solutions that improve customer performance.

Today, our real-time technology services and solutions enable customers to translate acquired data into useful information, then transform this information into knowledge for improved decision making-anytime, anywhere. Harnessing information technology in this way offers enormous opportunities to enhance efficiency and productivity. This is a quantum leap from providing traditional 'just-in-case' information to delivering 'just-in-time' knowledge that meets the changing needs of our customers.

International teamwork

Reflecting our belief that diversity spurs creativity, collaboration, and understanding of customers' needs, we employ over 77,000 people of more than 140 nationalities working in approximately 80 countries. Our employees are committed to working with our customers to create the highest level of added value. Knowledge communities and special interest groups with our organization enable teamwork and knowledge sharing unencumbered by geographic boundaries.

Technology innovation

With 25 research and engineering facilities worldwide, we place strong emphasis on developing innovative technology that adds value for our customers. In 2008, we invested $818 million in R&D.


Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB) is the world's leading oilfield services company supplying technology, information solutions and integrated project management that optimize reservoir performance for customers working in the oil and gas industry.

Executive Management

Schlumberger has principal offices in Paris, Houston and The Hague, from which the executive management team directs all Schlumberger operations worldwide.

Guiding Principles

Our values, conduct and behavior

Making the most of our unique assets, Schlumberger is committed to providing services that enhance and optimize our customers' performance.

Three well-established company Values that focus on people, technology and profit underpins our work.

Our people thrive on the challenge to excel in any environment and their dedication to safety and customer service worldwide is our greatest strength.

Our commitment to technology and quality is the basis for our competitive advantage.

Our determination to produce superior profits is the cornerstone for our future independence of action and growth.

Our commitment to customers

Schlumberger is committed to excellence in everything we seek to do. We aim to do business in a consistent and transparent way with all our clients and do not hold equity stakes in our customers' assets. Customers place a great deal of trust in us, particularly when it comes to handling sensitive and confidential information. Our reputation for integrity and fair dealing is vitally important in winning and retaining this trust.

Schlumberger strives to maintain the trust and confidence of our customers and shareholders, as well as all others affected by our operations. When we are clearly seen to behave in an ethical manner we enhance our reputation for integrity, which in turn helps us attract and retain both customers and employees.

Code of Ethics

The Schlumberger Code of Ethics and Schlumberger policies apply to all Schlumberger directors, officers, and employees of the company. They are designed to help each employee handle business situations professionally and fairly.

Workforce Diversity

One of our greatest strengths is the diversity of our workforce, with men and women of many nationalities and backgrounds working together and sharing common objectives.

Community Outreach

As a science and technology based company, we've adopted education as a key theme of our community outreach, which is composed of several initiatives: SEED (Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development), the Schlumberger Foundation, and Local Initiatives undertaken by our GeoMarkets as well as employees on their own time.

Passion for learning

SEED is a volunteer-based, non-profit education program focused on underserved communities where Schlumberger people live and work. SEED empowers over 3,000 employee-volunteers and educators—including teachers, parents and other mentors—to share their passion for learning and science with students aged 10-18. The SEED learning-while-doing (LWD) methodology draws on the technology and science expertise of our volunteers to engage students in global issues, such as water, energy and climate change.

Foundation for success

A second set of outreach programs is enabled through the Schlumberger Foundation, a non-profit entity that provides grants to external organizations, cofunds eligible GeoMarket outreach programs, and operates its own programs, generally through partnerships. Among its initiatives are: Faculty for the Future to support women in pursuing academic careers in science and technology; the Africa Science Program to create opportunities in advancing research capacity in African institutions; the United World Colleges Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to talented students in developing countries interested in the sciences; and Lab in a Lorry which offers students hands-on experiments and interaction with volunteers using mobile science laboratories.

Catalyzing local initiative

Our staff around the world often initiate local projects themselves. In Chad, for example, funding from the GeoMarket and the Schlumberger Foundation is helping to improve the infrastructure at a school started by a local Schlumberger employee.

Local initiative by managers and employees also helped to direct our response to the December 2004 tsunami and October 2005 earthquake that hit Asia. A disaster reconstruction fund was created to contribute to reconstruction and recovery. To date, 12 projects-each driven by our employees-have been supported in partnership with organizations on the ground. Additionally, financial support is given to employees who have relevant technical skills to contribute through short-term volunteering assignments.

Strong ownership within the GeoMarket is critical to the success of any local undertaking.

Research and Development

In 1927 Schlumberger was founded by the two brothers who invented wireline logging as a technique for obtaining downhole data in oil and gas wells. Today Schlumberger continues to build on the industry's longest track record for providing leading edge E&P technology to develop new advancements from reservoir to surface. Since its founding, the company has consistently invested significant time and money on research and development as a long-term strategy to support and grow our technology leadership. Short-term business cycles do not affect our commitment.

With 25 R&D facilities around the world, Schlumberger places strong emphasis on developing innovative technology that adds value for our customers. Schlumberger consistently invests more in R&D each year than all other oilfield services companies.

Research Centers

The search for oil and gas has three objectives: to identify and evaluate hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs; to bring hydrocarbons to the surface safely and cost-effectively,without harming the environment; and to maximize the yield from each discovery. These objectives can be advanced only by ongoing research into all aspects of the exploration, drilling, completion, and production processes.

Schlumberger has an unwavering long-term commitment to Research and Development (R&D) demonstrated through its global network of R&D centers.

Two main research centers are engaged in oilfield research. Since 1981, Schlumberger Cambridge Research in Cambridge, England, has developed new concepts and techniques that have helped oil and gas companies find and produce hydrocarbons. Schlumberger-Doll Research, which relocated to Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, in 2006, has been a center of excellence for oilfield research since the 1940s.

Schlumberger also has several research satellites at strategic locations around the world. They are located in Dhahran, Moscow, and Stavanger.

Our research is often conducted in partnership with universities and customers around the world. This ensures close contact with leading-edge research in all relevant disciplines, improves understanding of clients' challenges, and facilitates validation of research ideas in field experiments at an early stage in the product development cycle.

  • Schlumberger Cambridge Research Center
  • Schlumberger Dhahran Carbonate Research Center
  • Schlumberger-Doll Research Center
  • Schlumberger Moscow Research Center
  • Schlumberger Stavanger Research Center

Technology and Product Centers

Through a network of technology centers worldwide, Schlumberger maintains the service industry's longest commitment to technology and innovation. Designed, built, and tested to exacting standards, our advanced tools and products are used around the world in a wide range of applications from standard low-temperature sweet wells with normal pressure to the most hostile well environments. The Schlumberger network of technology centers includes the following key facilities.

  • Abingdon Technology Center
  • Beijing Geoscience Center
  • EMI Technology Center
  • K.K. Integration Center
  • Reservoir Completions Technology Center
  • Riboud Product Center
  • Stonehouse Technology Center
  • Sugar Land Technology Centers

Our Brand

To oil and gas companies worldwide, Schlumberger is the leading oilfield services provider, trusted to deliver better results in any location to help customers improve E&P performance. Like our reputation, our brand is synonymous with innovation and technology, domain knowledge, service quality, global presence and shareholder confidence.

Our brand is born from our commitment to excellence and our promise to deliver the best possible performance—anytime, anywhere. Every communication we create, which has the Schlumberger identity on it, reinforces this message.


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