Toll Manufacturing

Every business presents challenges. To succeed in a certain industry, the company must come up with smart strategies that will propel it ahead of the competition.

One strategy that can help some industries is toll manufacturing

PT. Sarana Karya Utama is a toll company providing manufacturing services for another company, starting formulation product, mixing raw materials, packing semi finished product, or bundled finished product for promo purpose.



PT. Sarana Karya Utama, also known as Sakatama, is a Toll Manufacturing Industry in Powder and ready-to-drink Liquid products in Indonesia. Our company is a member of business unit group of Anugerah Corporation whose major business activities are in health, wellness and fitness industries.

Established in April 2003 with the line of business being a provider of toll manufacturing, our factory is one of multinational toll manufacturing service providers for consumer goods companies that deliver powder products in sachets and pouches as well as liquid products in carton bricks.

In March 2013, we relocated Sakatama to a more profitable area as food manufacturer as well as a more strategic location for business development ahead. Occupying an area of 16,000 square meters in Industrial Area of Gresik, Sakatama has turned into a consumer goods company which has a high specification in terms of hygiene, sanitary, good manufacturing practice and food safety.

A variety of certifications have been obtained by Sakatama, such as SEDEX in 2011, GMP certificate from NADFC/BPOM, Food Safety System Certification 22000, and implementation of Halal Assurance System. To further solidify the role of Sakatama in doing business professionally for an effective environmental management system, we get ISO 14001.

With our experience as a reliable resource, we are going to contribute food that is healthy and good quality for people. Our services are based on perfect quality by holding responsibility in safety , health and environment, and ensuring all the process is delivered in best services.


We offer high quality formulation, mixing process, filling process, packing process, promo bundling services.

We create customized products/services for the following product types:



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