Realism Painting Art - Practicalintroduction Rainbow

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Realism in the fine arts means the effort to present the subject in work as it appears in everyday life without the addition of certain embellishments or interpretations.

The meaning can also refer to the effort in the art to show the truth, even without hiding the bad things. The discussion of realism in art can also refer to the cultural movement that started in France in the mid-19th century.

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However, works based on the idea of realism existed as early as 2400 BC in the city of Lothal, which is now known as India.

Realism as a cultural movement Realism became famous as a cultural movement in France as a reaction to the notion of Romanticism that had been established in the mid-19th century. This movement is usually closely associated with social struggle, political reform, and democracy.

Realism then dominated the world of art and literature in France, England, and the United States from 1840 to 1880. Adherents of French realism literature include the names, Honoré de Balzac and Stendhal. While Gustave Courbet and Jean François Millet are the most well-known realist artists.

Realism in the fine arts Realist artists always tries to present the daily lives of characters, atmospheres, dilemmas, and objects, in order to achieve the goal of verisimilitude (very alive). Realist artists tend to ignore theatrical dramas, subjects that appear in too wide a space, and other classical forms that were already popular at that time.


In a broader sense, realism will always occur whenever an artist tries to accurately observe and imitate forms in nature. For example, the photo painter of the Renaissance, Giotto, could be categorized as an artist with realist work, because his work has better imitated the physical appearance and volume of objects than anything attempted since the Gothic era.

Honesty in presenting every detail of objects can also be seen in the works of the Rembrandt Barbizon School, focusing on a closer look at nature, which then paved the way for the development of impressionism.

In England, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood rejected the idealism of Raphael's followers, which then led to a more intense approach to realism, which is known as one of the best realist artists.

The Trompe l'oeil technique is an art form that extremely shows the artist's efforts to present the concept of realism.

The following are examples of realism in painting art:

  1. Karl Briullov
  2. Ford Madox Brown
  3. Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin
  4. Camille Corot
  5. Gustave Courbet
  6. Honoré Daumier
  7. Edgar Degas
  8. Thomas Eakins
  9. Nikolai Ge
  10. Aleksander Gierymski
  11. William Harnett
  12. Louis Le Nain
  13. Édouard Manet
  14. Jean-François Millet

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