New Information Scholarship Program 2022 at University of Cambridge in UK

This international scholarship program is one of several scholarships to study abroad that we recommend. Like Gates Cambridge Scholarships.
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship was established in 2000 through a donation from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  This is a full scholarship aimed at international candidates outside the UK to pursue postgraduate and doctoral studies in all courses at the University of Cambridge, UK.
The Gates Cambridge 2022 scholarship application is a single application.  Applicants applying to a postgraduate program at the University of Cambridge are simultaneously applying for the Gates Cambridge scholarship using the same application form.  On the form, there will be "Gates Cambridge Statement" column that must be completed if you want to apply for the Gates Cambridge scholarship.  The Statement asks you to explain why you are applying for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship and how you meet the four main criteria.  In addition, there are also reference fields that must be filled in.

Registration is done online on the "Graduate Admission Office" page of the University of Cambridge. 

More About Reqruiment :

1. Course

Before applying you should thoroughly research your prospective course, including its requirements, deadlines and course costs. Information on all courses available to study at the University of Cambridge are in the Course Directory :

Check, also, that you meet the entry requirements of the course you want to study.

The admission process starts on 1 September, when we also update all the courses with new information for the following academic year.

2. Deadlines

There are two deadlines that you need to consider: the application deadline and the funding deadline. Find out more :

3. Applicant Portal

You submit your application through the Applicant Portal :

Once you have selected your course in the Course Directory, click the Apply Online button to be directed to the Applicant Portal.

4. Academic References

We will need two academic references to support your application :

and you can submit referee details via the Applicant Portal. Your referees will then receive an automated reference request. You should ensure you have their consent before you apply.

5. Colleges

All postgraduate students are a member of a College. In your application to study at the University of Cambridge, you can indicate two College preferences or choose to make an open application to have a College allocated to you.

6. Apply

Once you have finished writing your application, uploaded all required supporting documents and received references, your application is ready to be submitted and you will be asked to pay the application fee. A number of the University’s major sources of funding can be applied for through the Applicant Portal. Please ensure you leave plenty of time to complete these sections as many of these require you to apply by your course’s funding deadline.

Read more :

7. Interview

Most departments/faculties will want to interview you if your application is accepted to the next stage in the admissions process. Some scholarships and studentships will also invite shortlisted candidates for interviews. Most interviews will be conducted via video conferencing or telephone.

8. Coronavirus guidance: advice for prospective students and offer holders

The University of Cambridge is carefully monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and recognise that its impact may create uncertainty for our offer-holders and future students.

More information :


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